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The Church Periodical Club is funded by voluntary contributions from bishops, priests, deacons, lay people, Episcopal Church Women Boards, and other dedicated friends throughout the Church. CPC is supported by the prayerful concern, time, talents, labor, and money of those who believe in the Ministry of the Written Word. These donations allow The Church Periodical Club to continue to function as a non-profit source for written materials provided through grants to those who cannot otherwise obtain them. New gifts can be made at any time and in any amount to any of the CPC funds. Unrestricted gifts are especially welcome. Donors may also make memorial, thanksgiving, honor gifts to recognize whomever the donor wishes.

*There are no returns or refunds available from Church Periodical Club.

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Making a difference with the word, around the world

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The Church Periodical Club is supported by the prayerful concern, time, talents, labor and money of those who believe in the Ministry of the Written Word, and is funded by voluntary contributions from all levels of the Church by people in the pews.