Seminarian Book Fund

The total amount to be granted is determined at the annual meeting. Each Episcopal seminary in the United States receives an equal portion of the amount granted.

Shortly after the CPC annual meeting, the Chairperson determines the name, title and address of the dean, president, or other chief administrator of each seminary. She then prepares a letter to the administrators and advises them that there are book grants available for one or more seminary students to use to obtain any books in print or in electronic format which will help in their chosen field of study. The letter requests that the administrator choose the students who would most benefit from a book grant. Administrators are asked to submit the students’ name(s) and their diocese(s) either by letter or email to the Chairperson.

Administrators are asked to respond by August 1st, so that checks can be mailed by December 1. Follow-up emails and/or phone calls may be needed if no response is received.

After responses are received, the Chairperson prepares a Check Request Form available from the president. This includes the student’s name, address, the grant amount, the person or place where the check should be mailed, and the signature of the Chairperson. The Chairperson also prepares a cover letter that includes additional information about CPC and the source of the funds that made the grant possible. The appropriate CPC administrative person prepares the check and sends it to the recipient with a CPC bookplate and brochure.

The Chairperson submits an article to the CPC Quarterly with the names and seminaries of the recipients, and any thank you notes or pictures received for the winter issue. The annual report is posted on the CPC website.